best buy canada

Looking to replace a wonky pair of headphones or score a great deal on a new TV? Look no further than your local Best Buy. The retail giant is currently hosting an exciting sales event called "Black Friday in Summer" and the deals are no joke.

While the official dates for the sales event are July 10 through July 12, customers have been able to score a number of incredible discounts on a wide range of electronics and tech products since early June.

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'Tis the season to be shopping and it helps that several retailers have already launched Boxing Day sales in Canada.

Among the stores that have announced details of their Boxing Day sales is Best Buy and the company has confirmed that there are early deals available, too.

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Les accros au magasinage vont être ce mois-ci. Best Buy a officiellement lancé son mois du Vendredi fou avec de surprenants rabais sur les gadgets électroniques dernier cri, les appareils électroménagers, les meubles et plus encore.

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Get ready, shoppers! Black Friday sales in Canada have already begun, with Best Buy launching its "Black Friday Month" deals across electronics, home appliances, furniture and more.

On Tuesday, November 4, the retailer dropped hundreds of Black Friday discounts across its product range online.

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Narcity may receive a small commission if you purchase something we recommend in this article, which was created by the Commerce team. Items are in stock and prices are confirmed at the time of publishing, but they can change at any time.

Believe it or not, it's finally Boxing Day and the number of deals and discounts are overwhelming, to say the least! Lucky for you, we went ahead and curated this alphabetical list with some of the best Boxing Day deals in the country — so you can spend less time searching and more time shopping.

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