canada travel

Canada is known for its rugged landscapes and breathtaking wilderness, but it's also home to many stunning small towns. From coastal villages to historic hamlets, these picturesque locations are filled with charm.

But what are the most beautiful small towns in Canada? To find out, we asked local influencers to share their top destinations and they came up with some road-trip worthy spots.

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Planning some summer travel? If you're flying this year and want to keep track of your luggage, you may have considered using an AirTag.

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If you've found yourself scrolling on Instagram or TikTok recently, seeing all your friends on epic European vacations and wondering how you can do the same, you're in luck.

While flights across the Atlantic can be pretty pricey, there are more than a few cheap flights to stunning European destinations that you can take advantage of this summer.

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This Opinion article is part of a Narcity Media series. The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Narcity Media.

If you're looking for cheap flights to Europe this summer, Canada just got a new budget airline offering low-cost airfare to tons of European cities.

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While travelling abroad is a super exciting time for anyone, it can be tricky to acclimate yourself to a ton of unwritten travel rules and new customs. Who hasn't embarrassed themselves on vacation, seriously?

From what you should – or more importantly, shouldn't – be doing when you go out for a meal to the dreaded question of how many cheek kisses are an appropriate greeting in different European countries, there are a lot of customs seen in places around the world that are so different to Canada.

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