
Diplo is a famous DJ who is no stranger to South Florida. He was back in town this weekend for Miami Music Week and was asked all of the favorite places he visits when comes to his home state.

From cafés to gyms and even his favorite place to people watch, the artist answered every one of viral content creator Isaac Hindin Miller's (@isaaclikes_) "best of" questions without hesitation.

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Prépare tes habits d'hiver les plus chauds, car le festival le plus froid du monde, l'Igloofest, débarque à Québec pour la première fois, du 2 au 4 mars 2023, à la place Jean-Béliveau, en plein cœur d’ExpoCité. Si tu veux te procurer des billets, sache que tu peux le faire dès ce lundi 21 novembre et ça va te revenir moins cher que d'aller à l'événement prévu à Montréal du 19 janvier au 11 février 2023.

Tu devras débourser 95 $ plus taxes pour te procurer l'Igloopasse qui donne accès à tous les concerts, tandis que les passes par soirée débutent à 34 $. À titre comparatif, pour l'événement à Montréal, l'Igloopasse est à partir de 199 $ et les billets par soirée sont à 39 $ et plus.

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DJ's make a lot of money, like A LOT. So much, that reputable magazine Forbes has even created an annual 'world's highest paid DJ list', that just came out August 9th. 

Forbes started the list back in 2012, and it has stayed relatively similar ever since. Actually, this is the 5th year that Calvin Harris has taken the number 1 spot in a row! New on the list, The Chainsmokers, took the 3rd place spot! 

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STAMPEDE IS FINALLY HERE. Are you excited? We're excited. In order for you to have the best time possible this year, we've compiled a master list of things you HAVE to check out. We're feeling extra generous, so we're going to throw in some helpful tips to help you save $$$, and make the most of your time as well.

Nobody wants to pay $18 for admission, so lucky for you, admission is FREE on Friday, July 7th until 1:30 pm, and Sunday, July 9th until noon. If you can't make it either of those days, head over on Tuesday, July 11th for Canada 150 Day, which includes $1.50 entry until 1:50pm.

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Sweet summer, it never stays with us quite as long as we might like but it is undoubtedly so near and dear to our heart that we give it its own soundtrack. Leading the soundtrack is the 'chosen one', that is what we, the people, dub to be the song of the summer.

Debate over what that song of the summer will be this go around seems to be at an all time high right now. Everyone has their go-to summer day, cruising with the windows down, anthem but what does your choice say about you? We went ahead and made some generalizations.

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