
Have you ever made yourself a dinner using only things you bought from Dollarama? Admittedly, it doesn't sound too appealing, but it can be done, especially if you're trying to save money at traditional grocery stores like Loblaws.

Dollarama isn't just for snacks and greeting cards; it's also a grocery store. Okay, it's not technically a grocery store.

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If the chaos in your fridge is approaching unacceptable levels, one mom's TikTok Dollarama organization hack might just be your saviour.

A Canadian deal-lover named Kelita (@kelitaroutledge) recently shared her find.

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If you've been increasingly turning to Dollarama to help ease the strain on your wallet, you've likely spotted some brand names at the low-cost retailer you might not have expected to find.

On TikTok, the user @erinbarker recently shared a few videos on just that subject, saying in one of them, "I’m constantly surprised by the amount of great brand names I find at Dollarama."

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With food prices on the rise in Canada, we decided to pit a few of the country's popular retailers against each other to end the debate on which store has the cheapest groceries.

So, we shopped for specific grocery staples — like pasta, tuna, Kraft Dinner and more — at Costco, Walmart and Dollarama.

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Que ce soit pour faire le gros ménage du printemps, pour le nettoyage du dimanche ou pour que tout soit propre avant de recevoir de la visite, il faut dire que les produits ménagers et d'organisation font rapidement monter la facture lors des courses. Afin de te permettre d'investir ton argent durement gagné ailleurs, on a comparé les prix de neuf items du Dollarama et du Walmart pour voir quelle facture est la plus avantageuse.

Il faut prendre en note que les prix sont sujets à changement à tout moment, peuvent varier d'un établissement à l'autre et que nous n'avons pas comptabilisé les rabais en cours.

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