Dwayne Johnson Hired A Billboard To Embarrass Ryan Reynolds & He Had The Best Response

Somehow OnlyFans and Ryan's mom got involved. 😂

Dwayne Johnson Hired A Billboard To Embarrass Ryan Reynolds & He Had The Best Response

The press tour for Netflix's Red Notice has truly been the stuff of pure comedy gold, and the last of the hijinks between Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds is proof.

On Friday, November 10, Johnson hired a billboard to embarrass the Vancouver-born celeb as "one last heist for the road."

"Ryan Reynolds uses his mom's Netflix account," reads the billboard in question, which Johnson posted on his Twitter.

"For the record, Ryan's mama is an AMAZING WOMAN," he captioned the tweet. "Not sure why Ryan turned out the way he did."

Always quick with a comeback, Reynolds shared this TMI tidbit.

"In fairness, my mom uses my OnlyFans account," Reynolds cheekily responded, proving he's not at all embarrassed by Johnson's prank.

In the past few weeks of filming promos for their movie, the Canadian has told the world that the back of Johnson's head looks like a penis and shared that the two of them and costar Gal Gadot bonded over the fact that they're all parents to three girls.

This might be the last we see of Reynolds for a while since he recently announced he would be taking a sabbatical from movie-making to focus on being a dad.

"I'm just trying to create a little bit more space for my family and time with them," he explained in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "You know, you don't really get that time back."

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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Sarah Rohoman
Sarah Rohoman is an Editor for Narcity Media focused on Canadian celebrities and is based in Toronto, Ontario.