toronto condo

Everybody loves a good before and after. There's just something undeniably satisfying about watching a person or home get a major glow-up and this Toronto condo is certainly no exception.

3845 Lake Shore Boulevard West, Unit 512, is an $848,000 three-bedroom and two-bathroom condo that could easily be described as luxurious thanks to its pristine and modern decor. However, it wasn't always so desirable. In fact, it wasn't that long ago that stepping into the unit would've made you feel like you'd been transported back to the early 1970s, and not in a fun way.

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For many young professionals, the dream of owning a home in Ontario has become increasingly unattainable due to rising housing costs.

But, homeownership in Ontario's real estate market comes with huge financial challenges, too, especially for those who own condos and are required to pay the associated fees.

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Toronto is filled with new and exciting things to do everyday, and it's one of the reasons I love the city so dearly.

Most recently, I attended a meditation class, but not the kind you do every week at a Toronto yoga studio. This was a full moon ceremony guided by Shelly Burton, a healer from Costa Rica, and the 75-minute session included some sound healing, dancing and mindfulness.

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Deciding what condo to rent — or buy — can be a pretty daunting task in Toronto.

To start with a positive, there's plenty of choices. Just look around — the city skyline is covered with condo buildings and if you check out any of the real estate websites, condos take up the bulk of the listings.

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